Saturday, July 13, 2013

Options for breast enlargement besides surgical intervention exist.

Women who desire a more prominent bustline usually resort to the most popular method of enhancement--plastic surgery involving the placement of saline--or silicone-filled impants. Some women however, have chosen from among a number of non-invasive means of breast enlargement, including a variety of vitamins and supplements. Note that none of the claims made on behalf of these products have been scientifically verified and that no guarantee of achieving the desired results.


Vitamins of the antioxidant class, which include vitamins A C, and E, exert a variety of effects on skin and connective tissue. Because breasts are, anatomically speaking, sacs consisting of skin and filled with fatty tissue, improving the overall health of skin can make for a more prominent and visually appealing bust. Vitamin A is especially useful in preventing the flaking or drying of skin; vitamin C is essential in the production and maintenance of collagen, a substance vital to the structural integrity of skin and other connective tissues; and vitamin E--in addition to its beneficial effects on cholesterol levels and neurological function--is renowned for its effects on complexion and genera skin health.

Herbal Supplements

A number of herbal supplements reportedly stimulate the growth of mammary-gland tissue. Among these are dong quai, a Chinese member of the celery family; kelp, which is derived from seaweed; fennel seed, a spice commonly used in India and Pakistan; and fenugreek, a component of the spice curry. All of these contain phytoestrogens, which bind to and activate receptors in the mammary gland, in theory leading to new growth. Although makers of these enhancers admit that results vary widely, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration classifies them as safe. Using them precludes the medical risks and the costs of surgical breast enhancement, and a variety of positive effects outside of the realm of breast enhancement--including decreased premenstrual syndrome symptoms, increased libido, elevated mood, healthier skin and hair and stronger nails--have been documented after their ingestion.

Topical Enhancement

An alternative to oral breast-enhancement supplements is available in creams and serums. These, like herbal supplements, contain phytoestrogens as their active ingredient and work in the same way, but are absorbed transdermally at the site of action. Among the more popular of these is Pueraria Mirifica--reputed to boost estrogen and thus have rejuvenating effects on areas of the female body, not only the breasts but the hips, facial skin, body skin, hair and vaginal lining.


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