If you experience migraines, or other types of headaches, it is imperative that you learn about the major causes of headaches. By understanding what results in the discomfort that you experience, you will be able to identify a treatment plan that will eliminate the pressure, throbbing and pain that robs you of the quality that you should be experiencing in life. There are many different types of headaches experienced by individuals. The most common symptoms experienced by sufferers include pain in the head and surrounding regions of the body, moderate to severe nausea, bouts of vomiting, complications in sleeping, difficulty performing daily tasks and even issues with the mood, such as depression and irritability. The symptoms that you experience with a headache often assist medical professionals in determining the underlying cause of your complication. In most instances, headaches are not considered to be a symptom of a serious underlying condition. However, there are some cases in which these bothersome pains may indicate a condition that could potentially be life-threatening. In this headache guide, you will learn the major causes of headaches that you may suffer from on a regular or occasional basis.
Classification by Underlying Cause
When learning about the major causes of headaches, it is important to understand that headaches are typically classified by the specific cause of the condition. Most medical professionals identify a headache in one of two ways. The first type is referred to as a "Primary Headache". The second type is referred to as a "Secondary Headache". The "Primary Headache" is a type that is caused by a general dysfunction of the areas that are considered to be pain-sensitive within the head. This type of headache may also be caused by high amounts of activity in these pain-sensitive regions. These do not develop due to underlying conditions. However, issues such as fluctuations in the chemical activity associated with the central nervous system, issues with nerves and even issues with blood vessels around the head and neck region may be to blame. "Secondary Headaches" are considered to be a symptom of an underlying medical condition.
Primary Headaches
As stated previously, headaches that are classified as being "Primary" are caused by changes, dysfunction or high level of activity in certain areas of the head. However, medical professionals also believe that genetics, certain types of foods within the diet, substances such as tobacco and alcohol, stress levels, changes in the sleep/wake cycle, and posture may contribute to the onset of headaches that are classified as being "Primary". The following outlines the most commonly experienced headaches that are considered to be "Primary", according to doctors:
Migraine Headache
Daily Headache
Cluster Headache
Cough Headache
Tension Headache
Exercise Headache
Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalalgia
Sex Headache
Hypnic Headache
Secondary Headaches
When individuals suffer from headaches that are classified as being "Secondary", it indicates that there is an underlying condition that is impacting the nerves of the head that are directly responsible for pain-sensitivity. There are numerous causes associated with this type of headache. Many are only mild complications, while others are considered to be more severe. The causes include, but are not limited to, the following:
Clots within the Brain
Arterial Tears
An Aneurysm in the Brain
Excessive Alcohol Consumption
Medication Side Effect
Abnormal Pressure
Inflammation of the Sinuses
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
The most common types of headaches that are classified as being "Secondary" include, but are not limited to:
External Compression Headaches
Sinus Headaches
Thunderclap Headaches
Rebound Headaches
Brain Freeze Headaches
Identifying a Medical Emergency
When learning about the major causes of headaches, you will discover that there are potentially serious complications that require immediate medical attention. These are identifiable by the symptoms that accompany the pain in the head. If you experience any of the following symptoms with your headache, it is important that you see a doctor immediately, as it could indicate a medical emergency:
A Fever Exceeding 102°
Numbing Sensations
Tingling on One Side of Body
Complications in Speaking
Stiffness of the Neck
Fainting Episodes
Vision Problems
Problems Walking and/or Maintaining Balance
As you can see from the information within this comprehensive headache guide, there are many major causes of headaches. If you are a headache sufferer, it is important to keep note of the information contained here. While most causes of headaches are simplistic in nature, there are many causes that could indicate a serious medical issue. Naturally, should a serious issue be the underlying cause of a headache, medical care will be necessary. This will help in determining the underlying cause and treating not only the headache, but the reason that the headache has developed. Headaches have the potential to eliminate the quality of life that you enjoy and become disabling. By understanding the major causes of headaches, you will know the best way to address and resolve the issues that you experience, as a sufferer.

Daily Headache
Cluster Headache
Cough Headache
Tension Headache
Exercise Headache
Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalalgia
Sex Headache
Hypnic Headache
Secondary Headaches
Arterial Tears
An Aneurysm in the Brain
Excessive Alcohol Consumption
Medication Side Effect
Abnormal Pressure
Inflammation of the Sinuses
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
The most common types of headaches that are classified as being "Secondary" include, but are not limited to:
Sinus Headaches
Thunderclap Headaches
Rebound Headaches
Brain Freeze Headaches
Identifying a Medical Emergency
Numbing Sensations
Tingling on One Side of Body
Complications in Speaking
Stiffness of the Neck
Fainting Episodes
Vision Problems
Problems Walking and/or Maintaining Balance
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