Tips On Lowering Cholesterol

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Perhaps you've heard the media inundation about cholesterol and the many prescription drugs ready to help deal with it. Maybe you or someone you know has a cholesterol issue and you are here to get some useful information. Or, maybe you just simply want to know more about this big-name health concern. If so, you're at the right place. In this article I cover simple and natural tips for lowering cholesterol, or managing it.
First, to get on the true path to lowering cholesterol, it's extremely helpful for you to have a basic understanding of what it is and does. Cholesterol is simply a waxy, byproduct of fat. It is organic and natural, and believe it or not, has many healthy purposes. When someone is said to have high cholesterol, this basically means that their LDL levels are too high.

Cholesterol comes in three forms. HDL cholesterol is very good and high levels of it mean that your body is in a very good state. Triglycerides are a form of stored, fat-cholesterol that when too high, is very bad. LDL cholesterol is another form that when present in high concentration, the results can be catastrophic. High LDL and triglyceride levels all but assure the sufferer of narrowed arteries, greatly increased organ stress, reduced blood flow, and much more. So, to sum it up into layman's terms, high levels of HDL is good. High levels of triglycerides and LDL is bad.
Not everyone believes in the often unnecessary, vicious cycle of prescription drug treatment; "take this, now take this, oh, and now take this too." And although we certainly do concede that there is no one specific miracle cure for issues such as high cholesterol, we do know that a healthy and effective approach can be taken that is absent of countless, man-made chemicals, and all about the power of nature's goodness. As aHolistic Nutritionist, here are some of my favorite natural approaches to getting that cholesterol under control.
Sugar Control
Many people fail to realize that sugar levels have a direct impact on cholesterol levels. Limit how many sweets you consume. Also keep an eye on how much starch you consume, as this is ultimately metabolized into unhealthy sugars. Moderation of sugar intake helps the body greatly in balancing cholesterol levels.
Red Rice Yeast
In recent years, the medical community has come to acknowledge red rice yeast to be a great help in the ever-raging battle of cholesterol. Studies are still seeking to isolate exactly which compounds in red rice yeast are responsible for helping to actually balance cholesterol.
Omega Supplements
Omega supplements have also been found to have some marked positive effects on cholesterol in the human body. Diets rich in omega fatty acids show significant health promise with regard to the circulatory system and others. The omega group is quite possibly one of the very best overall natural cholesterol supplements.
Guggul is a substance harvested from the Mukul Myrrh Tree. For ages, people have relied on many of its health benefits. Today it is also known as a natural supplement that is great for lowering cholesterol - particularly LDL and triglyceride levels in people.
Water Intake
As surprising as it may seem, there is yet another benefit to consuming plenty of fresh water every day. This additional, little-known benefit is that of LDL reduction. The water itself is not actually reducing the LDL count, but more assisting all of the other anatomical processes to work better in balancing such factors such as cholesterol.
Balanced Diet
Yet another necessary factor is the regular consumption of a balanced diet. Sometimes, the term "balanced" becomes overlooked in the overall use of the term. "Balanced" means that the appropriate food groups are being consumed in the correct amounts and proportions. Keeping to a balanced diet will get your system running optimally and thus more capable of self-regulation of cholesterol.
In addition to these natural cholesterol supplements and practices, be sure to get plenty of exer


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